Our goal

People are central to the living environment we work on.

Our clients give us the right to exist and our employees are our capital. Moreover, people are central to the living environment we work on. Our goal: a satisfied customer! To realize this, we offer more vision with an eye for reality. So we are result-oriented, but also pay attention to social interests, the environment, the (financial) leeway and the person behind the work. Investing in sustainable relationships is therefore a matter of course for us.

Our specialists


Mickel Cousyns



Mickel Cousyns

My expertise


Jack van Rossum

Chemische industrie & Insitu sanering


Jack van Rossum

My expertise

Chemische industrie & Insitu sanering

Herman-Jan Kuyper

Oliemaatschappijen & tankstations


Herman-Jan Kuyper

My expertise

Oliemaatschappijen & tankstations

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