Tank depots
The realization of a tank depot or terminal involves various aspects. The installation of tanks and the associated infrastructure is a daily task for the experts at WeGroSan/hmvt. At the same time, WeGroSan/hmvt can also provide liquid-tight floor surfaces. Safety and quality are paramount, while careful consideration is given to time and cost savings.
Experienced partner delivering quality
WeGroSan/hmvt has been extensively involved in the construction of fuel depots at industrial locations in the past. Our broad knowledge allows us to combine the construction of the depot with other activities, such as the installation of liquid-tight floors or soil and groundwater remediation. This enables us to provide an efficient solution in every situation, with safety and quality being the key aspects.
Versatile capabilities
Our services include design, demolition of old structures, earthmoving, soil and tank remediation, installation of new fuel tanks, cables and pipelines, and the provision of liquid-tight floors and site development. If required by the situation, we develop a remediation plan. As advisors, we are also eager to apply our broad knowledge and experience.