Knowledge base

23 June 2023
Behandeling van percolatiewater van stortplaatsen met behulp van een innovatieve biologische pillot-installatie
Sinds 2005 is de put van Weber, een oude stortplaats gesitueerd aan de Nedereindse plassen, onderwerp van saneringsprojecten. Regenwater infiltreert...

19 June 2022
HMVT in de media
PFAS are a group of recalcitrant substances, implemented in a broad range of consumer products. Concern for their effects on the environment were...

19 June 2022
Omvangrijke drijflaagsanering binnen ingeschatte termijn afgerond
PFAS are a group of recalcitrant substances, implemented in a broad range of consumer products. Concern for their effects on the environment were...

18 June 2022
Gebruik van Zeolieten als ‘Concentrator’ en ‘peak shaver’
PFAS are a group of recalcitrant substances, implemented in a broad range of consumer products. Concern for their effects on the environment were...

16 June 2022
HMVT investeert in mobiele ’testscrubber’
PFAS are a group of recalcitrant substances, implemented in a broad range of consumer products. Concern for their effects on the environment were...